Sunday, August 5, 2007

Non Church Visits

Our travels took us not only to churches, but also to senior centers, assisted living facilities and private residences. This was an amazing trip as it was not so much as a concert tour with the wonderfully talented Hongos, rather a trip of ministry (and let me tell you, it was great dancing for them - tho' if I were the confessing type I'd confess that I messed up a few times since I got so caught up in the beauty of their song that I forgot about my dancing - good thing everyone was so forgiving!). We had a number of unexpected performances. We would learn that someone wanted to attend one of the concerts, but was now in an assisted living facility or bed bound at home. We'd look at one another and say ... who needs to go shopping? Let's go dance at their home. Who needs to go sight seeing? Let's go dance at the assisted living facility. Some of us may never be in Kentucky again (tho' that would definitely be a sad thing as everyone was so gracious and generous - and great huggers!), but serving our Lord through song and dance was more important ... spending time with a loved one of one of our new friends was more important, doing the Lord's work was more important. And we can each tell howthese private/impromptu concerts touched our lives as much as those for whom we performed.

[Danette with Rayberta Ray at Treyton Oak Towers; Danette with Cindy Weber former professor and the only female Southern Baptist Pastor that we know]

Some of you may remember Hermon Ray, Rayberta's husband, who was long time pastor at Waikiki Baptist Church and was loved by many. Danette went to seminary with Cindy's husband - Robert Owens Junior. His father was the pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Hawaii, immediately before Dan Chun. Danette met Robert at Southern when they were both taking classes in Social Work. In the course of their conversation, Robert mentioned that he would be working with Cindy. Danette told Robert that Cindy was great, as Danette had had classes with her and that he would absolutely love her. Well, needless to say, they did love working together and the rest, as they say, is history ;-)

[Chie with Louise Elliot; Lou Sherman]

[Gay teaching Pearly Shells to some of the leaders at Oasis; group photo after our performance at Oasis]

If anyone reading these blog entries find errors, especially in my identification of people and photos, please let me know as I am the world's worst name person (do you know that I had aspirations of being a teacher, but this lack of remembering names crushed that hope!). It is amazing that people leave the comfort of their homes and families to travel half-way around the world in service for the Lord! That was the case with Mary's husband's aunt - Laura Cornwell, who helped start our Hawaii Baptist Academy. So it would be fitting that Chie, who currently teaches there would take a picture with Mary.

When Danette arrived in Louisville before the rest of the group, Lou's wife, Mozelle, a former professor of Danette's was very helpful in making sure Danette had all the routes to get to all the various churches and other locations. And while Mozelle was helping Danette, Lou and his grandson was house-sitting Danette's home in Kaimuki. Lou came to see us at the Oasis, a senior program of the Walnut Street Baptist Church.

[Juanita Green's assisted living facility - Juanita is in the center; and with Buell Noffsinger at his home]

Juanita was like a second mother to Randy and Gay while they were at seminary. Even in those day, these two were performing and so after a performance, Juanita would be there to slip a few dollars into their pocket to help them with their expenses. Randy shared with Juanita that he and Gary were continuing that tradition, helping current seminary students - due to the influence that Juanita had on their lives. And for all of you HBA folks, you also already know that Juanita has been a long time supporter of HBA too! It was fun dancing, singing and sharing with Juanita's friends at Crestview - especially as these residents are in the twilight of their lives and for an hour, we could share the sunshine of Hawaii, but more importantly the sunshine of God's love.

Buell is one of Shirley Taliaferro's long time friends. When we heard of his disappointment of not being able attend service at Bethlehem Baptist Church when we performed, everyone agreed that before some of Master's Touch left for home, we would do one more performance. So we did, complete with several costume changes. Special appreciations to Betty, his wife, Debby - daughter, and Mary Nell - sister for allowing us this opportunity to minister. When you dance so up close and personal, while there isn't thunderous applause, the quiet look of appreciation is almost more powerful. And when we were left, we had a sense of God speaking to us ... "well done, my good and faithful servant."

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